
Showing posts from February, 2021

Malcolm and Marie Film Critique (2021 Malcolm and Marie); Lee Lee on the border of melodrama

  Malcolm and Marie Film Critique (2021 Malcolm and Marie);  Lee Lee on the border of melodrama Malcolm and Marie is  psychological psychological drama  at its best  and  watery  and superficial  melodrama  at its worst  .  In this article, I try to keep a search between the two and maybe we will reach a common discourse about this film.  Follow us on the Tekrato site and review Malcolm and Marie films. Covid 19 did not stop director Sam Levinson either.  Project  Malcolm and Mary  all the pre-production stages of the script writing and filming under tight  protocols health  for the  Kvvyd 19  spent.  The film was released in cinemas on January 29, 2021 (February 4) with limited editions, and was made available to moviegoers on the  Netflix  platform on February 5 (February 6) .  At the end of the article, we will take a look at the list of people involved in the film, but ...

Snapchat Memories; Job training and everything you need to know

Memory in SnapChat is a different experience that only bloggers and brands active in SnapChat feel.  SnapChat memory lets you save snaps and stories, share old snaps again, and create new stories from old snaps. SnapChat has more than 249 million daily active users, and that number is growing every day.  These users open the SnapChat app almost twenty times a day to watch the news posted by their favorite friends and brands.  Learning to work with SnapChat is  very simple;  But if you believe in change, we suggest you learn how to work with memory in SnapChat. Snapchat Memories Job training and everything you need to know With the Memories feature, you can access the history of your SnapChat posts by searching and create an archive of content that you can share on SnapChat or any other platform. In this article, we will  teach you how to work with SnapChat  and Flashback Memory and introduce them.  With  Tkratv  with you. What is SnapCha...